Orders will typically be shipped one to two business days after payment has been confirmed. Orders are shipped with standard basic insurance offered by the courier (usually up to $100); if you would like to add additional insurance on your order, please notify us prior to shipping.
Please see below for approximate shipping times.
Ontario: 1-2 business days
Quebec: 1-3 business days
Manitoba: 2-3 business days
Alberta: 3-4 business days
Saskatchewan: 3-4 business days
British Columbia: 3-4 business days
Atlantic Provinces: 3-4 business days
1 day, 2 day, weekend delivery, same-day courier, and other express shipping options are also available - please contact us with your order and required delivery time for a quote.
Shipments within Ontario are subject to 13% HST
Shipments to all Atlantic provinces are subject to 15% HST
Shipments to all other provinces are subject to 5% GST
The taxes are automatically calculated when you enter your shipping address.